Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Social Networking Sites

I have visited four social networking sites - Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and LinkedIn. From visiting these sites, I've realized that their purposes, home pages and overall looks all vary. For Facebook, this has taken over the social networking world and what once was for college students, has spread to high schoolers and graduates. Users can personalize their home pages with their job titles, hometowns, birthdays, profile pictures, cover pictures and keep albums of memories that would like to share. Connections are built between people who may work in the same companies, attend the same school or have been long lost friends. Videos can be shared, you can comment on friends' posts and stay updated on your connections' lives. Twitter has become a place where people can constantly update their statuses and keep it short with their character limit. Users can follow their friends as well as companies, celebrities, networks, and topics they're personally interested in. In regards to Tumblr, it is kind of similar to Twitter because they follow who they would like to get updates on. However, Tumblr is more of a blog where users can post pictures, links, journal entries, or repost things from other users. You can comment on other people's posts, message them directly and follow just about anyone. Lastly, LinkedIn is more of a professional social networking site where people of all ages can search through job postings, relevant posts and follow fellow peers or people or interests. It has become a popular place for recruiters to go and search for candidates to fill job positions and job seekers can build their profile by adding previous/current experience for everyone to see. Similar to the rest of these sites, on LinkedIn, you can also post pictures, text, or comment on others.

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